Friday, 17 February 2012

Born too late???

I have been in the depths of Doom this week Doom Metal that is. I find it somehow comforting to listen to very negative and depressing music. Yes it makes me even more depressed but sometimes letting the dark mood take over and deepen is better than all the medication in the world. Last year I pretty much avoided anything depressing but now I welcome it with open arms and seek it out. Whether in books, films or music and preferably all three. Feeling down? Read some Kafka. Watch Nekromantik. Listen to DOOM METAL! Eventually you will laugh at all the darkness and it will dissipate, leaving you cheerful in the certain knowledge that when needed it will still be there!


Saint Vitus: Heavier than Thou!
Trouble: Psalm 9
Candlemas: Epicus Doomicus Metalicus!
Black Sabbath: Master of Reality!


  1. I have now advanced on to the classic(?)of self loathing, Slow Horse by Slow Horse!!! Expect a short review when I can be arsed ;D

  2. I've never heard Slow Horse, so I demandeth a review forthwith!

  3. Review posted! It's a good album but not really a classic, two thumbs up for being so depressing though ;D
