Sunday, 18 September 2011


A bit of an update from last weeks booty fun. What a quick week it was and yesterday I noticed my discarded Game Boy Color, I switched it on in the forlorn hope that it had somehow repaired itself...IT HAD! Within minutes I was playing MIB. The game is shite and I have no urge to play it again but I am delighted I bought a working hand held gem and not a dud like poor Plum's STB! Sorry Plum old boy but you did barter down a perfectly nice old couple! :D

Sunday, 11 September 2011


What a grand day it has been so far. Picked up at 7.30am sharp by Milk we zoomed through the cosmos and picked up a jaunty Plum Tomato who was sprinting down the road to greet us.

It was one of the rare car boot journeys of recent times, the legendary MFR bootsale!!!
Worries over lashing rain and hurricane winds proved to be unfounded, although the sky was very dark, not a spot of rain fell.

I was expecting the usual inflated prices for the tat on offer but NO! Everything I bought was a bargain. 5 DVDs for a quid, 3 PS2 games a mere squid and the Ramones story in HB for ... a quid. I almost fainted when I picked up a game boy colour for 4 notes although the game I got with it is faulty. Well you can't have everything ;D

To end a perfect morning we went to Dingwall Tesco for a breakfast. I had 2 Hash Browns, egg, beans and toast and have to say it was really quite tasty. After a bit of chattah we shopped until we almost dropped. All I needed was a few tomatoes but I ended up buying 3 Christmas presents and a shiny new touch screen mobile for myself. Plum was on full alert and managed to find a data cable for my MP3 Player, I can state here and now that it worked a treat and my mp3 is now stuffed to the max with great toons~~~Thank you Herr Franzkle~~~
~*~and of course big hails to Pohpoh for acting as the TAXI DRIVER!!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Would Lucas approve?

Thanks to young Milk (where's the) for bringing to my attention this lovely animated series from Germany. Who said they don't have a sense of humour!!!
Translation required...Plum? Milk???

Sunday, 15 May 2011

NO! Goose!!!

Had a pleasant meal in the Snowgoose on Friday night. There was only one vegetarian option- Roast vegetable Risotto - it was very tasty but the vegetables consisted of lots of red onion a single slice of courgette, a tiny piece of yellow pepper and half a tomato plonked on top. It had a sprinkling of parmesan cheese the rice was lovely and creamy, delicious. Kubon had a tasty looking gammon steak and chips which he devoured like a man possessed. John had the chicken pie that he declared was ok (Praise indeed from John). Michelle had fish and chips which she didn't enjoy at all...well she liked the chips! We had a good chat about the usual topics none of which I can remember now but you know the kind of thing; music, books and films!

So why the NO! Goose!!! of the title.
1. The service was shoddy. The over worked waitress was dashing about in a tizzy.
2. The waitress dumped the selection of condiments on the table with a rapid fire description of what was in the featurless white pots. Michelle barely got time to season her meal and the sauces were whipped away! Get more condiment sets and mark clearly what is on them!
3. Although tasty it was over priced and the portion was small.
4. The toilet was shocking; wet floor, broken hook on the back of the bog door! (Fix it you morons!)
5. Portion size was feeble.
6. The waitress was cheeky, no doubt due to the stress of working too many tables!

It's a really popular eaterie and was packed. They make lots of cash so there was no excuse for the shoddy service, tiny portions and disgusting toilets...oh yes...the bog seat was cracked. I'd expect this in a manky greasy spoon but not in a popular restaurant.

Needless to say I wont be going back.

Friday, 6 May 2011

...yes I'm turning Japanese...

...I really think so!

On this Historic day for Scotland I have been listening to lots of tasty Japanese rock!

It started off when I began the day with my favorite female rockers Shonen Knife and their wonderful Rock Animals album. From opener Quavers to beautiful closer Music Square this record is pure class. Ultra cute songs like Little Tree and Catnip Dream are complimented with hard rock gems such as my favorite track Cobra vs Mongoose!

Then a thin package arrived through the letter box. I sliced it open with my trusty switch-blade...lo and behold it was a copy of Flower Travelin'Band: SATORI. With gentle fingers I pushed it deeply into the insides of my faithful old CD player and caressed play...I was taken on a journey into sound unlike any I have experienced before. What a trip!!! And without the use of illegal drugs...or any drugs ...except tea and custard creams of course. Thanks must go out to Lost Jimmy for alerting me to this old Japanese classic of rock!

Right now I am listening to another Lost Jimmy recommendation, the masters of Heavy Metal! GENOCIDE NIPPON!!! If you love heavy metal you will love the album Black Sanctuary. From fast heavy tracks to slow and heavy dirges and even some melodic guitar moments this album has it all! Screaming guitars and air raid siren vocals of the highest metal quality!

Must go now and listen to the hilarious and slightly disturbing Melt Banana and their frenetic neo-punk burnout Tiny Sheeny!!!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Do you want a bag?

"Do you want a bag." asked the bored lad at the COOP checkout.
"No thank you.", I replied.

I should have said, "No thank you you fucking stupid cunt!!!I will put the bastard loaf and two litre container of milk in my pockets the net of fucking onions on my head and balance the fucking jar of bovril on my fucking NOSE!!!"

But I just said, yes please...

Monday, 25 April 2011

Judgment Day! May 21, 2011

Better eat all the fry ups you can and max out those credit cards, get that Kindle and go for the 3G one, I would but my credit rating is fucked!

Yes kiddies, it's end of the worls time again =D So kick back and enjoy yourselves, fuck work, it wont even be there on 22/05/2011! If you don't believe me follow this link!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

A series of Fortunate Events!

A great start to easter Sunday when "The Kubon" arrived in his shiny anti-grav sled and we sped Evantonward to pick up his older male sibling! Was great to see Franz for the first time in ages and he was on good form!
We flew over the Black-as-night Island and landed at the Inverness CB-Centre.
Twas a great BOOT with masses of books, CDs and DVDs on sale at sensible prices! I don't think Da 'Bonz' aggreed as they parted with not a single shekel.

I purchased three bokks about hideous murder and mayhem for myself, a dream dictionary for my dear Mother and 13 Lemony Snicket "Unfortunate" books for my rascaly ikkle nephew Ty-Ler, a real bargain at 6 squid I thought!

After the boot we held on for dear life as The Kubon-Younger drove like a maniac, screaming in rage at other pilots as we headed for Mega_Tesco! We had the traditional breakfast break with plates piled high and plenty of good cheer. We scoffed at an old mannie in a SKIRT! People watching The Elder called it, taking the piss out of those less fortunate would be a better description.

The Breakfast!
Now that I have become a vegetarian I just had Hash Browns, beans, egg and toast. It was warm but not cold for a change and most tasty, I can't really complain at all. Though I must point out that the poor quality of their sausages was one of the things that made going veggie easier =D

Shopping! ... again...
While the Kubes wandered about aimlessly I wandered about seperately and aimlessly although I did buy a few choice items! A wash basin £1.50 a pedal bin (small) £3.50 and a copy of MOJO with "free" CD. With mag and CD costing £4.50 it was hardly free! But the CD is brilliant and I am listening to it now. Special mention must got to the Ronnie Spector track - She Talks to Rainbows, produced by Joey Ramone and originally written for The Ramones! Great stuff as an aquaintance of Kube and I would have said!