Sunday, 15 May 2011

NO! Goose!!!

Had a pleasant meal in the Snowgoose on Friday night. There was only one vegetarian option- Roast vegetable Risotto - it was very tasty but the vegetables consisted of lots of red onion a single slice of courgette, a tiny piece of yellow pepper and half a tomato plonked on top. It had a sprinkling of parmesan cheese the rice was lovely and creamy, delicious. Kubon had a tasty looking gammon steak and chips which he devoured like a man possessed. John had the chicken pie that he declared was ok (Praise indeed from John). Michelle had fish and chips which she didn't enjoy at all...well she liked the chips! We had a good chat about the usual topics none of which I can remember now but you know the kind of thing; music, books and films!

So why the NO! Goose!!! of the title.
1. The service was shoddy. The over worked waitress was dashing about in a tizzy.
2. The waitress dumped the selection of condiments on the table with a rapid fire description of what was in the featurless white pots. Michelle barely got time to season her meal and the sauces were whipped away! Get more condiment sets and mark clearly what is on them!
3. Although tasty it was over priced and the portion was small.
4. The toilet was shocking; wet floor, broken hook on the back of the bog door! (Fix it you morons!)
5. Portion size was feeble.
6. The waitress was cheeky, no doubt due to the stress of working too many tables!

It's a really popular eaterie and was packed. They make lots of cash so there was no excuse for the shoddy service, tiny portions and disgusting toilets...oh yes...the bog seat was cracked. I'd expect this in a manky greasy spoon but not in a popular restaurant.

Needless to say I wont be going back.


  1. Was the risotto soggy? That's a very poor choice for vegetarian menu. Do you think much of the ingredients are from frozen stock?

  2. The risotto wasn't soggy but lovely and creamy. The veggies didn't seem frozen to my untutored taste buds.

  3. I may make another tonight!
