Monday, 24 February 2014

A simple top ten...

I've just given LostJimmy a poke to update his fantastic blog, which was a bit cheeky as I rarely bother with this one anymore, so here goes with a top ten of anything that I feel like...

10: Trainspotting (The film)- I just watched this for the first time in years the other night and thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it's not a patch on Irvine Welsh's incredible novel...
09: Amy MacDonald~Life in a Beautiful Life- Amy's second album is brilliant, she's a real Scottish rose but as a Rangers supporter will no doubt vote no in Septembers independence referendum!
08:JAWS Blu Ray- Bloody hell this is still brilliant and the highdef blu ray really enhances the watching and listening experience!
07: AKIRA ; Another top blu ray and a steal at £5.52 from amazon. I understand they are making a live action version, it had better have a huge budget and a brilliant director, it will need to be amazing to come close to this anime perfection!
06: Breaking Bad - A great TV series that everyone should see, watch a couple of episodes and you will become a hopeless addict!
05: Sony Experia - Not a bad wee phone but it gets on this list for the superb Walkman feature...sorry app, I can now take my favourite albums with me wherever I go and enjoy them while on long boring bus journeys!!!
04: Blue Oyster Cut ~ Some Enchanted Evening - After years of wearing me down my old chum Lost J has finally converted me to BOC, this is an incredible live album! Worth parting with cash for? You bet! Long live The Cult!!!
03: 3rd Rock from the Sun ~ Even after all these years this still stands up, it's still funny and brilliantly acted, what a cast!
02: The Big Bang Theory ~ Surely the best US sitcom of the 21st century!
01: Rainbow ~ Rising! This remains my favourite ever album of any genre and deserves to be in everyone's collection...honest it does ;-)

Whew!!! That was really quite easy ;-)


  1. Phew quite a list!
    My Top Ten just reads thus...
    1. BÖC - can't get enough of their back catalogue, never ever
    2. Patti Smith - I'm reading Just Kids again and I'm in love with her all over again.
    3. True Detective - this new tv series has my interest
    4. Sons of Anarchy - anything with Ron Perlman in it and I'm there
    5. H P Lovecraft - I still dip in and out of his better tales and hell I'm doing that today!
    6. Leather, I just love to love Leather, is it a Metal thing?
    7. Oblivion - I'm a big fan of this Tommy Cruise stuttering SF film, I just watched it again.
    8. GENOCIDE nippon - mutterings of a new album gives me goosebumps, particularly as they played an instrumental at their last gig called "Jimmy's Song"!
    9. Verdi - his operas give me goosebumps
    10. Hellboy comics, always

  2. I find I even enjoy some of Lovecraft's lesser works now, he captures the "weird" better than anyone!

    A Gennocide nippon track named after their #1 fan is a great honour and surely the metal world waits with breath suitably baited for the possibility of a new album from Nippon's finest sons!

  3. PS. Perhaps Clark Ashton Smith is the greatest Weird tale scribe. His ancient horrors really do give me the creeps!

  4. King of Yellow gets numerous mentions in the weird True Detective

  5. Lovecraft raved about the King in Yellow too, I just searched for it on amazon and it's free on the kindle so I will download it forthwith! I must check out True Detective, although it's a SKY series I have no doubt I will be able to access it's delights by nefarious means!
