Friday, 28 February 2014

****Voivod****Target Earth*****2013****10 Tracks****

Voivod Target Earth!

This incredible Prog-Metal monster deserves a place in every heavy metal fans collection. I didn't think they could replace Piggy on lead guitar but they have and with great success. I have to say that this is without doubt Voivod's greatest album!

I listened to it today while on a mundane shopping trip and have to say I was totally lost in it's bizarre but beautiful riffage. This is one of those albums that just doesn't disappoint in any way, a real classic!

Monday, 24 February 2014

A simple top ten...

I've just given LostJimmy a poke to update his fantastic blog, which was a bit cheeky as I rarely bother with this one anymore, so here goes with a top ten of anything that I feel like...

10: Trainspotting (The film)- I just watched this for the first time in years the other night and thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it's not a patch on Irvine Welsh's incredible novel...
09: Amy MacDonald~Life in a Beautiful Life- Amy's second album is brilliant, she's a real Scottish rose but as a Rangers supporter will no doubt vote no in Septembers independence referendum!
08:JAWS Blu Ray- Bloody hell this is still brilliant and the highdef blu ray really enhances the watching and listening experience!
07: AKIRA ; Another top blu ray and a steal at £5.52 from amazon. I understand they are making a live action version, it had better have a huge budget and a brilliant director, it will need to be amazing to come close to this anime perfection!
06: Breaking Bad - A great TV series that everyone should see, watch a couple of episodes and you will become a hopeless addict!
05: Sony Experia - Not a bad wee phone but it gets on this list for the superb Walkman feature...sorry app, I can now take my favourite albums with me wherever I go and enjoy them while on long boring bus journeys!!!
04: Blue Oyster Cut ~ Some Enchanted Evening - After years of wearing me down my old chum Lost J has finally converted me to BOC, this is an incredible live album! Worth parting with cash for? You bet! Long live The Cult!!!
03: 3rd Rock from the Sun ~ Even after all these years this still stands up, it's still funny and brilliantly acted, what a cast!
02: The Big Bang Theory ~ Surely the best US sitcom of the 21st century!
01: Rainbow ~ Rising! This remains my favourite ever album of any genre and deserves to be in everyone's collection...honest it does ;-)

Whew!!! That was really quite easy ;-)

Blue Oyster Cult: Some Enchanted Evening (Full Album +)

Blue Oyster Cult: Some Enchanted Evening (Full Album +)

Big thanks to Lost Jimmy for this fantastic live document!

Thin Lizzy - Roisin Dubh (Black Rose) A Rock Legend